Dr. Steven Thomas

Dr. Steven Thomas (PhD, FCCPM) is a Senior Medical Physicist at BC Cancer Vancouver.  Dr Thomas's primary clinical responsibilities include the Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) modality and the Magnetic Resonance Imaging simulator program. Dr Thomas has received an MSc in biomedical engineering, a PhD in the departments of physics and oncology (both from the University of Alberta) and a BSc in Physics from the University of Lethbridge. Further to this he completed a medical physics clinical residency at BC Cancer Vancouver.

Research Areas

Cardiac Radiosurgery is an exciting new non invasive modality for treating Ventricular Tachycardia. Dr Thomas's research involves the development of technologies to increase treatment precision in the complicated cardiac and respiratory motion environments. 

Physiological Treatment Optimization. Radiation therapy can often result in reduced organ function for organs that are in close proximity to treated tumors. Conventional radiation treatment planning has relied on anatomical information to try to minimize the impact from treatment to adjacent healthy organs. Next generation treatment planning will incorporate patient specific organ functional data into the optimization with the goal of minimizing the impact of radiation therapy on healthy organs. 

Appointments and Affiliations

Assistant Clinical Professor- UBC Dept of Surgery

Honorary Lecturer- UBC Dept of Physics

Associate Director- BC Cancer Provincial Medical Physics Residency Program

Fellow - Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine (CCPM)



Jakob Marshall - PhD


Justin Poon - PhD



Google Scholar Publication List


Research and Clinical Trials Advisory Group (RCTAG) Translational Pilot Project Award

UBC Division of Cardiology Academic Practice (CAPP) Plan Pilot Project Award

Vancouver Coastal Health Research Innovation (VCHRI) Award